MN Progressive Events

RECENT ANNOUNCEMENTS (archives)     Individual Event Posting Guidelines

The MN Progressive Events mailing list ( mn-prog-events ) forwards various progressive
political event announcements mostly for the Twin Cities of Minnesota. Particularly
mailings that would not otherwise have web archives or allow the subscriber to easily
control their subscription. MN-prog-events has archives on the web and subscribers can
easily start, stop, set no mail mode (vacation) using web forms. See details below.

Main sources of messages:

o David Shove's Progressive Calendar - details below
o Charlie Underwood's Peace Calendar - DISCONTINUED - details below
o Announcements of new issues of Nygaard Notes - details below
o Misc. individual event notices announced via this list at least one week in advance. Posting guidelines

Mn-prog-events has complete, easy to access, searchable archives which makes it easy
to refer back to current or past mailings without having to keep them in one's inbox.
The web address always takes one
directly to a page (the archives) that has links to most recent mailings on top.

As a Mailman mailing list, subscribers can control their own subscriptions with web forms --
To Subscribe or unsubscribe go to MN-prog-events Info Page
There is subscribe / unsubscribe info at the very end of every message - (the addr of this page).

NOTE that since the MN-prog-events mailing list redistributes mailings
from other lists, references to "subscribe", "unsubscribe" etc in
messages other than at the very end refer to the mailing list being
redistributed and are probably NOT relevant to MN-prog-events subscribers.

Archives of Mn-prog-events mailings from late 1999 to July 2005 (message numbers 2133 and lower)
are available at: Older Mn-prog-events Messages

MN-prog-events is hosted by Communications for Justice

About mailings:

Dave Shove's Progressive Calendar

o The calendar usually announces events just 1-3 days before the event which is rather short notice for many people but useful sometimes too. o The format is very consistent with a summary index at the beginning with very brief description of events and details below which makes it very easy to skim and find details on specific events. To find a specific event such as #7, search for "7 of" or "--7" with your mail reader's (or browser's if using the archives) search function which is usually in the "Edit" menu and available with the control-F key. o It has a clear Green Party bias - progressive events opposed by the editor/Green Party may not be announced. For example events and opinions favorable to Senator Wellstone were generally not included prior to the plane crash. The opinion articles at the end of calendar mailings are definitely not endorsed by MN-prog-events; they often have a very sectarian point of view.

Charles Underwood's Peace Calendar

has been discontinued, see the explanation in the Jan 1, 2009 Peace Calendar It WAS generally sent once per week typically on Thursday tho this varied some. The content covered events up to about 3 weeks after the mailing; thus there is overlap between mailings. Charles can be reached at: charleyunderwood [at]

Announcements of new issues of Nygaard Notes

Brief summaries of new issues of Nygaard Notes are posted when they become available on Some consider a new issue of Nygaard Notes an "event" in itself. Go to the web site to read the newsletter. Note that it is possible to have the complete newsletters sent by email -- see the web site. Nygaard Notes is an independent newsletter written and published by Jeff Nygaard in Minnesota. Nygaard Notes is concerned with a broad range of issues and ideas, using humor and plain language to reach out to anyone who believes in the values of solidarity, justice, compassion, and democracy. Nygaard Notes is intended to educate, inform, and entertain readers. Nygaard Notes is also intended to challenge its readers, inspiring them to move away from passive ways of thinking and toward more active, creative ways of thinking that lead to positive action. The website contains a copy of every issue of Nygaard Notes and can be searched by keyword.

Individual Event Posting Guidelines for Mn-prog-events

o announcement of politically progressive event with MN connection o sent 8-15 days before the event. Note: events less than 8 days off may be announced via David Shove's Progressive Calendar which is carried by Mn-prog-events announces events 1-2 days in advance. Submit announcements for Progressive Calendar separately by email to: shove001 [at] Events may be announced both ways. o Subject: line should have up to 45 characters that briefly describes the event with day, date and time. May hint at location. Example: Subject: Precinct caucus training Wed 1/9 7pm N Mpls o Body of post should have a short description of event in text (up to 2 screens) addressed to potential attendees. Do not include comments to moderator in announcement message. o have contact info for more information (URL, email address , phone number) o no attachments (such as MS Word, PDF html, .jpg files) are distributed Send announcements to: mn-prog-events [at] Note: messages to the list manager / moderator should be sent to: List manager only: mn-prog-events-owner [at] Do not include comments to moderator in announcement message. Note that so far few Individual Event Posting are being distributed by Mn-prog-events. If that changes a system for creating a digest of them without delaying the Progressive Calendar is being considered. See More timely announcements Currently or with the "more" system there would be few messages per day and therefore Digest mode subscriptions to this list are not useful. Fred, list manager,